Independence Day?

13 June 2007

It is the time of the year again when the nation’s leaders, elected or otherwise, fake or genuine, proudly proclaim the heroic struggle of our revolutionary forefathers to gain freedom and independence more than a century ago. And around the world, especially in the Untied States, Filipino communities do this by having all types of festivities, lavish parades and beauty contests, gala shows and exhibitions.

Nothing wrong with these.

Except that we are not truly independent.

They can celebrate and commemorate all they want but it will not alter the fact that the Philippines is not a genuinely sovereign and independent country. A name, a flag, an anthem, and a date are not the elements of independence. They are just symbols and nothing more.

How can we claim independence when we are the first to cheer or are indifferent to the US military intrusion courtesy of Balikatan under the Visiting Forces Agreement? What makes us think that we are sovereign when we are subservient to all the dictates of the IMF- World Bank and other multilateral agencies? Who is really benefiting when mining companies leave toxic spills and environmental destruction after plundering our lands? Why do 10 million of our compatriots labor hard and die unjustly in foreign lands just to feed their families? Why do we let a fake president lead the nation and pay for her office when she should be jailed and meted out punishment?

Unless we do something about these and strive to correct the inequities, we should stop calling ourselves an independent nation.

We have been fooling ourselves for so long.